You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.5. Point of Sale - Register Movement > Clearance / Moving Funds from One Cash Register to Another

Clearance / Moving Funds from One Cash Register to Another

To move funds from one cash register to another, or to clear a cash register to a safe:

  1. Open and complete the Register Movement screen.

Refer to "Point of Sale - Register Movement"

Micronet displays Register Clearance screen.

  1. Enter the value of each Payment Type to be moved by clicking on the button next to the Transfer amount.

Micronet displays the Enter Amount screen.

  1. Enter the payment amount for that payment type and select Ok.

Micronet redisplays the Register Clearance screen with the amount you entered.

  1. Repeat the steps above for each payment type to be moved.
  2. When you have finished, select the Acceptbutton.

Micronet performs the register movement.


Technical Tip

The cash in the ‘safe’ register will be set to Deposit in MDS Debtor Banking when preparing the bank deposit slip - refer to "Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Banking".



Technical Tip

You can check the movement by doing a Cash Register Inquiry and Payment Summary - refer to "Cash Register Inquiry - Payment Summary".